Double Meaning
Embroidery, Textile, Reflective Fabric
12 Pieces, 45 x 60 cm
Ole Ukena, 2020
Double meaning is a series consisting of 6 diptichons that have each one canvas with red elements and another one with blue ones. Forms exist always in a context, in nature as well as in painting and how we perceive a composition and what we see in it changes drastically with the surrounding elements. In this series Ole Ukena leaves again much room for interpretation but makes sure to leave a few key ingredients to see what It leads to. The upper and lower composition form a narrative bond that creates a network of association that we are left to articulate on our own.
Cellular Cyberspace
Molecule Moonshine
The Imaginary Distance Between Microbes And Stars
The Interior Thought Process Of A Lake
The Wonder Of Various Perspectives
Unseen Synthesis
It’s all in the Details