Big Blue Bang Observations
Embroidery, Textile
9 Pieces, 45 x 60 cm
Ole Ukena, 2020
A blue fade effect connects all the pieces giving the sensation of expansion, with a core slowly merging towards the outer edges. How did forms and shapes and objects came into shape when there was nothing and then something. The universe has been playing this game of expansion and shape shifting since the very beginning of times, consciousness revealing itself through all the different ages in every changing forms. What meaning we give to these expressions we record as myths and stories and give meaning to them. And yet a star is still just a star, as well as all that we see in it.
"A One Way Street Towards Multiple Dimensions"
"An Introduction to Quantum Snake Charming"
"Facing Eternity"
"Family Gathering of Dead Suns"
"Inhaled Stardust"
"Orbit Wobbles"
"The Becoming of A Particular Particle"
"The Birth Of A Myth"
"The Birth Of A Theoretical Valley Of Doubt "